The New York State Association of School Personnel Administrators (NYSASPA) was established in 1966 to serve as a resource to human resource administrators in school districts and BOCES across the state. With great pride, we continue to provide support and education to our members. NYSASPA is an affiliate of American Association for School Personnel Administrators (AASPA) established in 1938, also dedicated to provide members with "services, resources, and information vital to successful school HR practices in the interest of students."
New York maintains a professional relationship with our national AASPA colleagues, and we believe our members benefit when we stay connected to this national organization. We are fortunate to maintain a formal relationship to our parent organization through our attendance in their national forums and by hosting them at our NYS Conference each year.
Our Association is open for membership to all practicing human resource administrators and the human resource professionals that support them in public school districts and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) in New York State. We pride ourselves in the collegiality and comradery among our members. We encourage them to reach out when they need information, support or help along the way and we do this through our statewide and regional listserv as well as our NYSASPA website messaging.